
  • IRDNA Charity will utilize donated funds to support students of The Haliwa-Saponi Tribal School in their quest for a Higher Education and their quality of life sustaining needs while they attend their school of choice and maintain passing grades.

  • We will maintain the highest standards of financial integrity and accountability, including performing regular program audits to ensure awarded funds are being disbursed and utilized properly, while balancing low administrative and fundraising costs.
  • We will always seek God’s guidance in and through each fundraising event and when making decisions about awarding funds or denying further support (if necessary). It will be made clear to every student that the support they receive comes from God through His people ~ a gift that is given from the heart with great hope in their future and the Legacy they carry forward.

Please make Tax -Deductible Donations Payable To:
"The IRD Native American Charity"

Send to:

Mary L Johnson-Gordon, Ex. Director The IRD Native American Charity 9183 Via Classico, East Wellington, FL. 33411